Full-face has been known for a long time as one of traditional Chinese medicine. This therapy is believed to make the body healthier and can help treat diseases. However, full-blooded face can also pose health risks. Check out the following review.
Full-blooded or acupressure is often referred to as acupuncture without using a needle. Totok involves pressing at certain points on your body using your fingertips or special tools. Some pressure points are spread on your face. If you are interested in full-blooded face, first read the benefits and risks below.
Benefits of Full-Face
Here are some of the benefits of full-blooded face for health and beauty:Overcoming headaches
One natural way to deal with headaches is to do full-face. This alternative therapy is thought to relieve headaches caused by tired eyes or sinusitis. The point that is pressed is that which is between the eyebrows for one minute. Or you can also press both sides of the base of the nose for 10 seconds.
Expel stress and anxiety
Stress and excessive anxiety can be reduced by full-blooded face. This alternative therapy can help improve blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and help you feel more relaxed. Full-blooded face to reduce stress can be done by massaging the area between the eyebrows in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes, or by pressing the point on the upper ear for two minutes. When trying to full-blooded face in that section, take a deep breath and then exhale. Adjust the rhythm until you feel calmer.
Relieve migraines
A study shows that full-blooded face can also relieve chronic headaches due to migraine. Full-blooded face can help blood flow to the head and face, thus helping to reduce pain. However, migraine treatment still requires medication from a doctor, can't rely on full-blooded face.
Make facial skin glow
Massaging the facial area three times a week for 30-60 seconds is believed to make your facial skin look more radiant and healthier. This is because full-blooded face can increase blood flow, facilitate the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skin, and help stimulate collagen formation. To get a bright and flushed facial skin, full-blooded pressure points on the face behind the curve of the earlobe, between the eyebrows, and above the cheekbones.
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